A TOMCAT self-climbing PRT Sunshade Roof was put to good use at the opening home game for NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers, where country music superstar Tim McGraw performed a full concert before the game and came out once again for an encore performance at halftime. Our long-time customer, Orlando’s Complete Production Resources (www.completeproductionresources.com), provided the roof.
The PRT Sunshade Roof is designed for small to medium-sized productions, and due to its quick assembly/disassembly and mobility, it’s a good choice for many different venues….even an NFL Stadium!!
Industry standard components are used in its construction and add to its versatility, such as 93” Double Hung Pre-Rig Truss and Mark I Towers. The roof is available in two versions - “Peaked” PRT Sunshade and “Flat” PRT Sunshade.
The “Peaked” version is patterned after our BFT roof. The cross stage runs of truss are sloped approximately 5% to form a peak in the middle and a canopy is attached to the main body components.
The “Flat” version, which was used at the Buccaneers stadium, incorporates a canopy rail system above a flat Pre-Rig Truss grid to form the roof’s pitch.
Both versions of the roof are available with PA Wings formed with a 123” section of Double-Hung Pre-Rig Truss used to connect each downstage tower to an additional tower.
The roof claims a safe operating wind speed of up to 67 mph and the live loads (equipment loads) that can be applied to the system include a 13,500 pound (6,124 kg) uniformly distributed load (UDL) on the main grid and 5,000 pound (2,268 kg) speaker load on each PA Wing. The combination of these features makes it an ideal choice for many applications.
Read more about our PRT Sunshade roofs and review their technical specifications here.